10:00 – 16:00

Monday to Friday

36 Wellington Street

London SE18 6PE

020 8854 8848

Get Help Now

Our housing team can provide expert advice if your home may be at risk, you’re homeless, or your rented home is in poor condition and affecting your or your family’s health.

If you’re on a low income, you might be eligible for legal aid – which means we can help you with your housing problem at no cost to you.

If you’re not eligible for legal aid, we can provide free initial advice on some housing issues, so you know what steps to take next. You’ll be advised by lawyers who volunteer their time to help people in our local community.

If you need advice, please use the form below to submit your details.

You can also get in touch using by phoning 020 8854 8848.

Do you have a hearing within 48 hours?

Please submit your details using the form below, if you don’t have a hearing within 48 hours.

    Your Name:

    Street Address:



    Contact Number:


    What matter do you need assistance with?

    Are there any upcoming deadlines? e.g. appeal date, removal date, appeal date.

    Other Information:

    Please only submit your details using the form below, if you have a hearing within 48 hours.

      Your Name:

      Street Address:



      Contact Number:


      What matter do you need assistance with?

      Are there any upcoming deadlines? e.g. appeal date, removal date, appeal date.

      Other Information:

      Do I qualify for Legal Aid?

      If you’re on a low income, you might be eligible for legal aid – which means we can help you with your housing problem at no cost to you.
