10:00 – 16:00

Monday to Friday

36 Wellington Street

London SE18 6PE

020 8854 8848

Who Funds Us

Funding & Sponsorship


More than ever people need our help. Problems are complex, civil Legal Aid fees have not been increased for over 28 years leading over the last 10 years to the reduction of providers by 59% and drastically limiting access to justice to all but the extremely poorest members of our society. Legal Advice services all over the country have been closing due to lack of funding, but they have never been so needed. We are therefore incredibly grateful to our funders and sponsors whose generosity means we can help local people get justice at some of the most difficult times in life.


Our Current Supporters

All the team at Greenwich Housing Rights are very grateful and would like to thank the following organisations that work in partnership with us for their support:


The Greater London Authority Funds specialist housing advice service to Thamesmead residents at Mooring Sociable Club
The Legal Aid Agency A Legal Aid Agency Contract funds our casework and (court) representation work.

Also partially covers the cost of training our Trainee Solicitor

The London Legal Support Trust Supports us with core cost

Supports specialist advice services to the residents of the boroughs of Bexley and Bromley


Also funds our crisis navigator post

The National Lottery Funds advice service at Clockhouse Community Centre
The Royal Borough of Greenwich Funds specialist housing advice service and outreach to Royal Borough of Greenwich residents


We also have other small amounts of funding and donations to support our work.
